7 Best Places To Vacation In December Before They're Gone

December beckons with its allure of holiday cheer and wanderlust. However, as the world faces the consequences of climate change and other threats, some cherished vacation spots are on the brink of vanishing forever. In this article, we'll reveal the seven best places to visit in December, urging you to experience their magic before it's too late.

These destinations offer captivating beauty and unforgettable experiences, but their existence is threatened. By exploring them now, you create cherished memories and contribute to the urgent need for sustainable travel and the preservation of our planet's treasures.


Join us on this journey to the seven best places to vacation in December before they disappear. Let's embrace the opportunity to immerse ourselves in their wonder, protect them, and ensure future generations can also revel in their splendor.

Place 1: The Maldives

The Maldives, a dreamy archipelago in the Indian Ocean, is a coveted travel destination with unparalleled beauty and serenity. This tropical paradise offers a blissful escape for beach lovers, honeymooners, and adventure seekers alike; composed of 26 coral atolls and over 1,000 islands.

Renowned for its pristine white-sand beaches, the Maldives boasts crystal-clear turquoise waters that teem with vibrant marine life. Snorkeling or diving in its world-famous coral reefs reveals a kaleidoscope of colorful fish, rays, and even majestic manta and whale sharks. The underwater wonders are a highlight for many visitors.


Luxurious resorts and overwater villas dot the Maldives, providing a sense of exclusivity and tranquillity. From indulging in rejuvenating spa treatments to savoring exquisite cuisine in waterfront restaurants, the Maldives offers a seamless blend of relaxation and luxury.

Beyond its shores, the Maldives offers thrilling water sports such as jet skiing, windsurfing, and parasailing. Sunset cruises, fishing trips, and island hopping adventures allow travelers to experience the breathtaking beauty of the archipelago from different perspectives.

The Maldives, with its picture-perfect landscapes, warm hospitality, and idyllic setting, is a travel destination that captivates the hearts of all who visit. Whether you seek a romantic retreat, an adventurous escapade, or a moment of pure tranquillity, the Maldives promises to fulfill your dreams of a tropical paradise getaway.


The Potential Risks Facing the Maldives as a Travel Destination

Like many low-lying island nations, the Maldives faces a range of potential risks due to its geographical characteristics and the impacts of climate change. Some of the potential dangers the Maldives faces include:

  1. Rising sea levels: the Maldives is highly vulnerable to rising sea levels caused by climate change. As sea levels rise, the islands risk submerging or experiencing increased erosion and flooding.
  2. Coastal erosion: the erosion of coastlines is a significant concern for the Maldives. The constant battering of waves and the loss of protective coral reefs can result in the gradual loss of land and damage to infrastructure.
  3. Coral bleaching: the Maldives' vibrant coral reefs are threatened by rising water temperatures, which can lead to coral bleaching. This phenomenon disrupts the delicate ecosystem and can result in the loss of biodiversity and the degradation of the reefs.
  4. Ocean acidification: increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels contribute to ocean acidification. It can harm marine life and coral reefs in the Maldives, impacting the overall health and resilience of the ecosystem.
  5. Extreme weather events: the Maldives is susceptible to extreme weather events such as tropical storms, cyclones, and heavy rainfall. These events can cause significant damage to infrastructure, disrupt travel, and affect the livelihoods of local communities.
  6. Declining freshwater resources: the Maldives relies heavily on freshwater resources for drinking and agriculture. As sea levels rise, the intrusion of saltwater into freshwater sources poses a risk to the availability and quality of drinking water.
  7. Loss of biodiversity: the fragile island ecosystems of the Maldives are home to diverse plant and animal species. Climate change and human activities can lead to biodiversity loss, affecting the delicate balance of the local environment.

These risks highlight the urgency of addressing climate change and adopting sustainable practices to protect the Maldives and similar vulnerable destinations. Efforts are being made to implement adaptation and mitigation strategies to safeguard the Maldives' natural beauty and preserve its unique culture for future generations.

Activities and Attractions to Enjoy in December

During December, activities and attractions in the Maldives offer a mix of relaxation, adventure, and underwater exploration. Here are some popular options:

  1. Snorkeling and diving: it is renowned for its spectacular coral reefs and diverse marine life. December offers excellent visibility for snorkeling and diving, allowing you to witness colorful fish, turtles, rays, and even reef sharks. Explore famous sites like Banana Reef or swim with manta rays in Hanifaru Bay.
  2. Island hopping: discover the Maldives' unique charm by hopping between different islands. Each island has its character and offers opportunities to immerse yourself in local culture, visit traditional fishing villages, and enjoy stunning beaches.
  3. Sunset cruises: experience the breathtaking beauty of Maldivian sunsets on a leisurely sunset cruise. Sail across turquoise waters, relax on deck, and soak in the magical colors as the sun dips below the horizon.
  4. Water Sports: thrill-seekers can engage in various water sports, including jet skiing, windsurfing, and parasailing. Feel the adrenaline rush as you zip across the clear waters, propelled by the gentle ocean breeze.
  5. Dolphin watching: December is an ideal time for dolphin-watching excursions. Set sail on a boat and witness these playful creatures leaping and frolicking in their natural habitat. It's a heartwarming experience that's sure to leave a lasting impression.
  6. Spa and wellness: indulge in luxurious spa treatments and wellness experiences offered by resorts across the Maldives. Pamper yourself with rejuvenating massages, yoga sessions on the beach, or meditative spa rituals that promote relaxation and inner peace.
  7. Cultural experiences: immerse yourself in the local culture by visiting inhabited islands. Explore vibrant local markets, observe traditional handicrafts, and try authentic Maldivian cuisine. You can also participate in traditional dance performances and learn about the Maldivian way of life.
  8. Fishing trips: join a fishing excursion and experience the Maldivian tradition of line fishing. Spend a day at sea, casting your line, and try your luck at catching a variety of fish species. Some resorts even offer the option to prepare your catch for a fresh seafood dinner.
  9. Seaplane flights: take a scenic seaplane flight for a bird's-eye view of the Maldives' stunning landscapes. Marvel at the intricate patterns of coral reefs, turquoise lagoons, and the breathtaking beauty of the islands from above.
  10. Relaxation on pristine beaches: unwind and soak up the sun on the Maldives' pristine beaches. Whether it's a private stretch of sand or a resort's idyllic beachfront, enjoy the tranquil atmosphere, turquoise waters, and soft white sand for the ultimate relaxation experience.

During December, these activities and attractions in the Maldives ensure a memorable and immersive experience in this tropical paradise.

Place 2: Venice, Italy

Venice, Italy, is a mesmerizing European destination renowned for its intricate network of canals, historic charm, and timeless beauty. This enchanting city, built on a series of islands, offers a unique experience where gondolas glide along waterways, magnificent palaces line the shores, and picturesque bridges connect the cobblestone streets.

With its iconic landmarks like St. Mark's Square, world-class art exhibitions, and delectable Venetian cuisine, Venice continues to captivate visitors with its romantic ambience, rich history, and undeniable allure. A visit to Venice is like stepping into a magical world, where every corner reveals a story waiting to be discovered.

Challenges and Risks Facing Venice

With its iconic canals and historic allure, Venice, Italy, is a beloved European destination that enchants visitors worldwide. However, this enchanting city also faces unique challenges and potential risks.

  1. Rising sea levels: the city is susceptible to the impacts of rising sea levels, which can lead to increased flooding and erosion. The city's unique lagoon location puts it at particular risk.
  2. Subsidence: the gradual sinking of the Venetian islands, known as subsidence, threatens the city's infrastructure and stability. Factors such as groundwater extraction and the weight of buildings contribute to this phenomenon.
  3. Acqua Alta: the city experiences periodic high tides known as "acqua alta." These events can cause flooding, damaging buildings and affecting daily life in the city.
  4. Erosion of foundations: the wooden pilings that support many of Venice's structures are susceptible to erosion and decay over time. It poses a risk to the stability and preservation of historic buildings.
  5. Mass tourism: the large influx of tourists to Venice, particularly during peak seasons, places significant pressure on the city's delicate infrastructure, local resources, and the preservation of its cultural heritage.
  6. Environmental pollution: the city faces challenges related to water and air pollution, primarily caused by large cruise ships, motorized vessels, and heavy tourism activity. These factors can adversely affect the city's ecosystem and overall environmental health.

Efforts are being made to address these risks, including the MOSE project, which aims to construct mobile barriers to protect the city from high tides. However, the long-term sustainability and preservation of Venice's unique cultural and natural heritage remain ongoing challenges that require continued attention and action.

Activities and Attractions to Enjoy in December

Activities and attractions to enjoy in Venice, Italy, during December offer a blend of cultural experiences, festive celebrations, and traditional delights. Here are some popular options:

  1. Explore St. Mark's Square: visit the heart of Venice and immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere of St. Mark's Square. Admire the stunning St. Mark's Basilica, marvel at the intricate architecture of the Doge's Palace, and enjoy the charming Christmas decorations.
  2. Take a gondola ride: glide through the historic canals of Venice on a romantic gondola ride. Admire the beautiful bridges, picturesque buildings, and the city's beautiful reflections in the tranquil waters.
  3. Visit the Venetian Christmas markets: experience the magic of Christmas by strolling through the local Christmas markets. Enjoy the delightful aromas of seasonal treats, browse unique handicrafts, and soak up the festive ambience.
  4. Attend a traditional concert: enjoy the enchanting sounds of classical music by attending a concert in one of Venice's historic churches. Experience the harmonious melodies that resonate through the centuries-old architecture.
  5. Indulge in Venetian cuisine: treat your taste buds to the flavors of Venetian cuisine. Savor traditional dishes such as risotto and fresh seafood and delectable desserts like tiramisu and fritelle, which are popular during the holiday season.
  6. Visit the Peggy Guggenheim Collection: explore the renowned Peggy Guggenheim Collection in the Palazzo Venier dei Leoni. Admire an exceptional collection of modern art, including works by Picasso, Pollock, and Dalí.
  7. Attend the Venice Carnival (starting in late December): experience the world-famous Venice Carnival, known for its extravagant masks, costumes, and vibrant parades. Get swept up in the lively atmosphere and enjoy the festive celebrations.
  8. Take a boat trip to the nearby islands: venture out to the nearby islands of Murano, Burano, and Torcello. Explore Murano's glass-making traditions, admire Burano's colorful houses and lacework, and visit the historic sites on the tranquil island of Torcello.
  9. Enjoy a Venetian opera performance: immerse yourself in the opera world by attending a concert in one of Venice's historic theaters. Let the passionate voices and captivating storytelling transport you to another era.
  10. Take a stroll along the Grand Canal: walk along the banks of the Grand Canal, one of the most iconic waterways in Venice. Enjoy the breathtaking views of the elegant palaces, historic buildings, and bustling activity on the water.

These activities and attractions in Venice during December offer a delightful mix of cultural experiences, festive celebrations, and the opportunity to appreciate this enchanting city's unique beauty and traditions.

Place 3: The Great Barrier Reef, Australia

The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is an extraordinary place to go and have fun while immersing yourself in the wonders of nature. This iconic destination is the world's most extensive coral reef system, stretching over 2,300 kilometers along the country's northeastern coast. It offers endless opportunities for adventure, exploration, and unforgettable experiences.

Diving into the crystal-clear waters of the Great Barrier Reef reveals a mesmerizing underwater world filled with vibrant coral formations and an abundance of marine life. Snorkeling or scuba diving allows you to swim alongside colorful fish and graceful sea turtles and even encounter majestic creatures like manta rays and reef sharks.

For those who prefer to stay dry, boat tours and scenic helicopter flights offer breathtaking views of the reef from above. You can witness the intricate patterns of the coral reefs, the azure waters, and the stunning islands scattered throughout the area.

The Great Barrier Reef is not just about underwater adventures; it also presents opportunities for various water sports like kayaking, paddleboarding, and sailing. Exploring the pristine beaches, relaxing on the sandy shores, or embarking on a guided eco-tour are popular ways to enjoy this natural wonder.

In addition to the aquatic activities, you can learn about the reef's diverse ecosystem and conservation efforts at various educational centers and research facilities. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority provides valuable information on preserving this fragile ecosystem.

The Great Barrier Reef offers a playground of natural beauty and excitement. Whether you're a snorkeling enthusiast, an adventurous diver, or someone seeking to marvel at the wonders of the natural world, this extraordinary place promises an unforgettable and fun-filled experience.

Potential Risks Facing the Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the world's most iconic natural wonders, face various potential risks that threaten its delicate ecosystem. Understanding these risks, from climate change to pollution, is vital for preserving the reef's biodiversity and long-term health.

  1. Climate change and coral bleaching: rising sea temperatures due to climate change can lead to coral bleaching, disrupting the delicate balance of the reef's ecosystem.
  2. Ocean acidification: increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere contribute to ocean acidification, which can harm the growth and health of coral and other marine organisms.
  3. Pollution and runoff: pollution from agricultural runoff, coastal development, and improper waste management can degrade water quality and impact the health of the Great Barrier Reef.
  4. Overfishing and illegal fishing: unsustainable fishing practices, including overfishing and illegal fishing, can disrupt the balance of the reef's ecosystem and deplete critical marine species.
  5. Crown-of-thorns starfish outbreaks: outbreaks of crown-of-thorns starfish, which feed on coral polyps, can cause significant damage to the reef and contribute to the decline of coral cover.
  6. Coastal development and habitat loss: urbanization and coastal development near the reef can result in habitat destruction, shoreline alteration, and increased pollution, affecting the reef's biodiversity and resilience.

Efforts are being made to address these risks through conservation programs, research initiatives, and sustainable management practices. It is crucial to continue raising awareness and implementing measures to protect the Great Barrier Reef and ensure its long-term survival.

Activities and Attractions to Enjoy in December

Discover the wonders of the Great Barrier Reef, a natural masterpiece in Australia's aquatic playground. In December, this iconic destination offers a host of activities and attractions for visitors to immerse themselves in the vibrant marine world and awe-inspiring beauty of the reef.

  1. Snorkeling and scuba diving: immerse yourself in the underwater world, witnessing deep coral formations and encountering tropical fish and marine life up close.
  2. Sailing and boat tours: set sail on the crystal-clear waters, enjoying the serenity and stunning vistas of the reef while exploring different areas.
  3. Marine wildlife spotting: watch for majestic marine creatures, including sea turtles, dolphins, and the start of the whale migration season.
  4. Seaplane or helicopter rides: take to the skies for a breathtaking aerial perspective of the Great Barrier Reef, admiring its vastness and intricate beauty.
  5. Glass-bottom boat tours: observe the colorful coral and marine life without getting wet as you glide over the reef in a glass-bottom boat.
  6. Island hopping: visit enchanting islands like Hamilton Island or the Whitsundays, where you can relax on pristine beaches and enjoy various water sports.
  7. Coral reef conservation programs: engage in educational programs and activities that contribute to preserving the reef's delicate ecosystem.
  8. Indigenous cultural experiences: discover the rich cultural heritage of the Traditional Owners through guided tours, gaining insights into their deep connection with the reef.
  9. Sunset cruises: witness breathtaking sunsets while cruising the reef, capturing the stunning colors as the sun dips below the horizon.
  10. Relaxation and beach activities: unwind on the idyllic beaches, swimming in the clear waters, beachcombing, and enjoying leisurely picnics by the shore.

Experience the magic and beauty of the Great Barrier Reef in December, where adventure, exploration, and natural wonders come together.

Whether snorkeling amidst vibrant coral gardens or cruising along the azure waters, the Great Barrier Reef promises an unforgettable and awe-inspiring journey into one of the world's most remarkable ecosystems.

Also read: Must-Visit Spiritual Places in the World: Here are Some Helpful Tips

Place 4: Glacier National Park, Montana, USA

Glacier National Park in Montana, USA, is a breathtaking wilderness sanctuary known for its towering mountains, pristine lakes, and magnificent glaciers. This new destination offers a haven for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers spanning over a million acres.

With its extensive trail network and diverse wildlife, Glacier National Park invites visitors to explore its rugged beauty, from hiking scenic paths to capturing stunning vistas. Embrace the grandeur of this untouched wilderness and create unforgettable memories in this captivating corner of the United States.

Potential Risks Facing Glacier National Park

Glacier National Park in Montana, USA, is not immune to the environmental challenges threatening its iconic features. As climate change intensifies, the park faces a range of potential risks that jeopardize its delicate balance and natural beauty.

From melting glaciers to increased wildfires, these factors underscore the importance of conservation efforts to safeguard this precious wilderness.

  1. Melting Glaciers: the park's namesake glaciers are receding rapidly due to climate change, impacting the park's landscape and ecosystems that rely on glacial meltwater.
  2. Increased wildfires: rising temperatures and drier conditions contribute to an increased risk of wildfires, damaging ecosystems and disrupting wildlife habitats.
  3. Changing ecosystems: shifting climate patterns may lead to alterations in vegetation, affecting the delicate balance of plant and animal species that call the park home.
  4. Reduced snowpack: declining snowpack levels affect water availability, impacting wildlife, vegetation, and park visitors who rely on seasonal activities like skiing and snowshoeing.
  5. Invasive species: climate change can facilitate the spread of invasive plant and animal species, posing a threat to native biodiversity and ecosystem stability.
  6. Decreased water availability: changing precipitation patterns may lead to reduced water availability, affecting wildlife and human activities within the park.
  7. Infrastructure vulnerability: Glacier National Park's infrastructure, including roads and visitor facilities, may be susceptible to damage from extreme weather events linked to climate change.

Addressing these risks requires collective efforts in mitigating climate change, promoting sustainable practices, and supporting conservation initiatives to protect the natural wonders of Glacier National Park for future generations.

Activities and Attractions to Enjoy in December

Glacier National Park in Montana, USA, transforms into a winter wonderland in December, offering visitors a unique and enchanting experience. Here are some activities and attractions to enjoy in December, immersing yourself in the breathtaking scenery and embracing the tranquillity of this winter paradise.

  1. Winter hiking and snowshoeing: explore the park's winter wonderland on foot, navigating snowy trails and enjoying the peaceful ambience of the season.
  2. Cross-country skiing: glide through the snow-covered landscapes, immersing yourself in the serene beauty of the winter scenery while enjoying a great workout.
  3. Wildlife viewing: observe the park's resilient wildlife as they adapt to the winter environment, from graceful elk to elusive mountain goats, capturing unique moments in their natural habitat.
  4. Photography: capture the ethereal beauty of the snow-capped mountains, frozen lakes, and majestic landscapes, preserving memories of Glacier National Park in its winter splendor.
  5. Snowshoeing to frozen waterfalls: venture on snowshoes to witness the magical sight of frozen waterfalls, marveling at the stunning formations and the stillness of the icy cascades.
  6. Winter camping: experience the solitude and tranquillity of the park's winter landscape by camping in designated areas, where you can cozy up by a campfire and embrace the serenity of nature.
  7. Scenic drives: take in the awe-inspiring views along scenic drives, such as the Going-to-the-Sun Road (weather permitting), where snow-capped peaks and frozen lakes create breathtaking vistas.
  8. Visitor center exploration: learn about the park's fascinating history, geology, and wildlife through exhibits and educational programs offered at the visitor centers, gaining deeper insights into the park's wonders.
  9. Snowboarding and downhill skiing: for thrill-seekers, nearby ski resorts offer adrenaline-pumping snowboarding or downhill skiing adventures just outside the park.
  10. Winter wildlife tours: join guided tours specifically designed for winter wildlife observation, allowing you to learn about the unique adaptations of the park's animals during the colder months.

December at Glacier National Park presents a magical opportunity to immerse yourself in the tranquillity and breathtaking beauty of the winter season.

Whether exploring snowy trails, capturing captivating photographs, or witnessing wildlife in their winter habitats, the park offers an unforgettable experience showcasing this pristine wilderness's serenity and natural wonders.

Place 5: The Amazon Rainforest, South America

The Amazon Rainforest in South America is a vast and biodiverse natural wonder. It is known for its lush landscapes and unparalleled biodiversity covering multiple countries. The rainforest is home to a remarkable array of plant and animal species, from majestic jaguars to vibrant macaws.

Exploring the Amazon offers thrilling adventures and opportunities to witness the forest's delicate balance of life. Hiking through dense vegetation, navigating winding rivers, and embarking on guided tours allow visitors to immerse themselves in the richness of this ecosystem. Indigenous communities provide insights into their traditions and sustainable practices.

However, the Amazon Rainforest faces challenges such as deforestation and climate change. Conservation efforts are vital to protect this invaluable ecosystem and the livelihoods of indigenous communities.

Preserving the Amazon Rainforest ensures the continuation of its unique biodiversity and critical role in maintaining global ecological health.

Potential Risks Facing the Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon Rainforest in South America is a global treasure of unparalleled biodiversity and ecological significance. However, this magnificent ecosystem faces various potential risks that threaten its delicate balance and the countless plant and animal species that call it home.

  1. Deforestation: illegal logging and agricultural activities contribute to widespread deforestation, leading to habitat loss and the disruption of crucial ecosystems.
  2. Climate change: rising temperatures and altered rainfall patterns pose significant challenges to the rainforest, impacting plant and animal species and overall ecosystem health.
  3. Fires: forest fires, often started intentionally for land clearance, can devastate large areas of the rainforest, destroying habitats and releasing carbon into the atmosphere.
  4. Species extinction: habitat loss and fragmentation put numerous unique plant and animal species at risk of extinction, undermining the rainforest's incredible biodiversity.
  5. Indigenous communities: the livelihoods and cultures of indigenous communities that depend on the rainforest for sustenance and traditional practices are threatened by deforestation and encroachment.
  6. Illegal wildlife trade: the Amazon Rainforest is a target for illegal wildlife trade, endangering iconic and endangered species and disrupting the ecosystem's natural balance.
  7. Infrastructure development: large-scale infrastructure projects, such as roads and dams, can lead to habitat destruction, fragmentation, and increased deforestation.

Addressing these risks requires a collective effort to implement sustainable practices, support conservation initiatives, and respect the rights and knowledge of indigenous communities. Protecting the Amazon Rainforest is crucial for its own sake and the global fight against climate change and the preservation of Earth's natural heritage.

Activities and Attractions to Enjoy in December

Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of the Amazon Rainforest in December, where lush green landscapes and vibrant wildlife await. From wildlife spotting to canopy walks, discover many activities and attractions that offer a captivating experience in this ecological paradise.

  1. Wildlife spotting: take part in guided tours or jungle hikes to witness the incredible biodiversity of the rainforest, including colorful birds, playful monkeys, and elusive jaguars.
  2. Canopy walks: experience the thrill of walking through the treetops on elevated walkways, offering unique perspectives of the lush forest and a chance to spot wildlife from above.
  3. River cruises: embark on a river cruise along the Amazon or its tributaries, immersing yourself in the waterways' tranquil beauty and discovering hidden rainforest corners.
  4. Indigenous community visits: learn about indigenous communities' rich cultural heritage and sustainable practices by visiting local villages and engaging in cultural exchanges.
  5. Nighttime jungle excursions: venture into the rainforest after dark to witness the captivating nocturnal creatures, guided by the sounds and sights of the jungle at night.
  6. Canoeing and kayaking: navigate the calm rivers and winding streams in a canoe or kayak, allowing you to explore the rainforest at your own pace and observe wildlife along the banks.
  7. Birdwatching: the Amazon Rainforest is a birdwatcher's paradise, with countless species of colorful and exotic birds. Join a guided birding tour to spot toucans, macaws, and other remarkable avian species.
  8. Medicinal plant tours: discover the fascinating world of medicinal plants and their traditional uses by joining educational tours led by knowledgeable guides.
  9. Photography: capture the mesmerizing beauty of the rainforest, from vibrant flora and fauna to stunning landscapes, documenting your unforgettable journey through the lens.
  10. Traditional river fishing: engage in the age-old practice of river fishing alongside local fishermen, experiencing their traditional techniques and learning about sustainable fishing practices.

These activities and attractions in December allow you to immerse yourself in the wonders of the Amazon Rainforest, offering a unique and enriching experience in one of the world's most awe-inspiring natural landscapes.

Place 6: The Alps, Europe

The Alps, Europe's majestic mountain range, captivates with its breathtaking landscapes and renowned ski resorts.

Visitors can immerse themselves in the stunning alpine scenery with activities ranging from skiing and snowboarding in winter to hiking and mountaineering in summer. Explore charming villages, indulge in local cuisine, and experience the region's rich cultural heritage.

Beyond the thrilling adventures, the Alps are also home to picturesque trails, serene alpine lakes, and panoramic viewpoints. Whether seeking adrenaline-fueled activities or peaceful moments in nature, the Alps offer a perfect blend of excitement and tranquility.

As climate change poses challenges, preserving the pristine beauty of the Alps through sustainable practices is vital for future generations to enjoy this natural treasure in the heart of Europe.

Potential Risks Facing the Alps

The Alps, Europe's majestic mountain range, enthrals with its stunning landscapes and world-renowned ski resorts. However, this iconic destination also faces potential risks, including climate change, environmental degradation, and natural hazards, underscoring the need for conservation and sustainable practices to protect this natural treasure.

  1. Climate change: rising temperatures and changing weather patterns impact the Alps, leading to decreased snowfall, melting glaciers, and shorter winter seasons, posing a threat to winter sports and ecological balance.
  2. Environmental degradation: human activities, including tourism and infrastructure development, can lead to habitat fragmentation, soil erosion, and disturbance of delicate alpine ecosystems.
  3. Avalanches: the mountainous terrain of the Alps makes them prone to avalanches, which heavy snowfall, unstable slopes, and human activities can trigger.
  4. Natural hazards: extreme weather events, such as storms and floods, can have devastating effects on alpine communities and infrastructure, causing risks to both human life and the environment.
  5. Overcrowding and over-tourism: popular tourist destinations within the Alps may need help with overcrowding, putting strain on local resources, cultural heritage, and wildlife habitats.
  6. Loss of biodiversity: climate change, habitat fragmentation, and invasive species threaten the rich biodiversity of the Alps, including rare and endemic plant and animal species.

Addressing these risks requires a comprehensive approach involving sustainable tourism practices, conservation efforts, responsible land management, and climate change mitigation strategies.

Preserving the unique beauty and ecological integrity of the Alps is essential for the well-being of both the natural environment and the communities that depend on them.

Activities and Attractions to Enjoy in December

December in the Alps offers a magical winter wonderland where visitors can embrace the beauty of snow-capped peaks and indulge in exciting activities. From thrilling winter sports to cozy mountain villages, here are some activities and attractions to enjoy in the Alps during December, creating unforgettable memories amidst the breathtaking alpine scenery.

  1. Skiing and snowboarding: hit the slopes of world-class ski resorts, carving through fresh powder and enjoying the adrenaline rush of winter sports.
  2. Snowshoeing: explore tranquil winter landscapes on snowshoes, venturing off the beaten path to discover hidden trails and stunning viewpoints.
  3. Christmas markets: immerse yourself in the festive spirit by visiting charming Christmas markets in alpine towns, offering delightful treats, local crafts, and a magical atmosphere.
  4. Ice skating: glide across frozen lakes or visit outdoor ice rinks in picturesque mountain villages, enjoying the exhilaration of ice skating surrounded by snowy peaks.
  5. Alpine Spa retreats: indulge in relaxation and rejuvenation at luxurious alpine spas, where you can unwind in thermal baths and saunas and enjoy soothing spa treatments.
  6. Cable car rides: take scenic cable car rides to lofty heights, marveling at panoramic views of snow-covered mountains and alpine landscapes.
  7. Winter hiking: strap on your hiking boots and explore well-marked winter trails, breathing in the crisp mountain air and admiring the serene beauty of the snowy scenery.
  8. Sleigh rides: experience a classic winter activity by taking a romantic horse-drawn sleigh ride through picturesque valleys, surrounded by the tranquillity of the snowy landscape.
  9. Traditional Alpine cuisine: delight your taste buds with hearty cuisine, savoring warm cheese fondue, conventional Swiss raclette, and other regional specialities.
  10. Festive events and celebrations: participate in local festivities and cultural events during the holiday season, immersing yourself in the vibrant traditions and customs of the alpine communities.

Whether seeking adventure on the slopes, embracing the holiday spirit at Christmas markets, or simply enjoying the peaceful serenity of the alpine landscapes, December in the Alps offers many activities and attractions to create unforgettable memories in this winter paradise.

Place 7: The Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

The Galapagos Islands, located in Ecuador, are a remote and captivating archipelago known for their unique ecosystems and abundant wildlife. With pristine landscapes and remarkable biodiversity, these islands offer an extraordinary experience showcasing the wonders of nature.

From iconic species like giant tortoises and marine iguanas to vibrant marine life and volcanic landscapes, exploring the Galapagos Islands reveals a world of natural marvels. Snorkeling, diving, and hiking provide opportunities to witness the archipelago's rich biodiversity and stunning geological formations.

Preserving the Galapagos Islands' delicate balance is crucial, and strict conservation measures are in place to protect its fragile ecosystems. Visitors can immerse themselves in this unique destination, gaining a deeper appreciation for environmental stewardship and contributing to ongoing conservation efforts.

Potential Risks Facing the Galapagos Islands

The Galapagos Islands in Ecuador captivate with their unique ecosystems and abundant wildlife. However, these remote islands face potential risks, including invasive species, climate change, overfishing, tourism pressure, pollution, and infrastructure development, highlighting the need for conservation efforts to protect this natural treasure.

  1. Invasive species: introducing non-native species to the islands can disrupt the delicate balance of ecosystems, outcompeting native species and causing ecological imbalances.
  2. Climate change: rising sea temperatures, ocean acidification, and extreme weather events pose risks to the islands' coral reefs, marine life, and coastal ecosystems.
  3. Overfishing: unsustainable fishing practices can deplete fish populations, disrupt marine food chains, and negatively impact the livelihoods of local communities.
  4. Tourism pressure: high levels of tourism can put a strain on the islands' delicate ecosystems, leading to habitat disturbance, waste generation, and the potential spread of invasive species.
  5. Pollution: improper waste management, oil spills, and pollution from boats and other vessels can degrade water quality and harm marine life.
  6. Infrastructure development: poorly planned development and inadequate infrastructure can lead to habitat destruction, soil erosion, and disturbance to sensitive coastal areas.

Addressing these risks requires effective conservation and management strategies, including strict biosecurity measures, sustainable fishing practices, climate change mitigation efforts, and responsible tourism practices.

Preserving the Galapagos Islands' unique biodiversity and fragile ecosystems is vital for the long-term sustainability and protection of this remarkable natural heritage.

Activities and Attractions to Enjoy in December

December in the Galapagos Islands offers a remarkable opportunity to explore this unique archipelago's pristine beauty and incredible biodiversity. From snorkeling with marine life to hiking volcanic landscapes, here are some activities and attractions to enjoy during this enchanting time in the Galapagos Islands.

  1. Snorkeling and diving: immerse yourself in crystal-clear waters to encounter a mesmerizing array of marine life, including sea turtles, colorful fish, and playful sea lions.
  2. Island hopping: explore different islands within the archipelago, each with its distinct ecosystems and wildlife, allowing for an unparalleled adventure.
  3. Wildlife spotting: witness the famous giant tortoises, unique bird species like blue-footed boobies and frigatebirds, and marine iguanas, all while respecting their natural habitats.
  4. Volcano hiking: embark on hikes to volcanic landscapes, such as Sierra Negra volcano on Isabela Island, to witness stunning views of the volcanic caldera and otherworldly landscapes.
  5. Visit Charles Darwin research station: learn about ongoing conservation efforts and the critical scientific research conducted to protect the islands' unique flora and fauna.
  6. Beach exploration: relax on pristine beaches, such as Tortuga Bay on Santa Cruz Island, and enjoy the serene beauty and tranquillity of the archipelago.
  7. Wildlife cruises: join guided cruises that navigate the islands, providing opportunities for wildlife encounters and insightful commentary from knowledgeable naturalist guides.
  8. Kayaking and paddleboarding: glide through the calm waters surrounding the islands, exploring hidden coves and getting up close to marine life in their natural habitats.
  9. Local culture and cuisine: engage with local communities, sample traditional Ecuadorian dishes, and learn about the rich cultural heritage of the Galapagos Islands.
  10. Sunset watching: capture breathtaking sunsets over the ocean, providing a magical end to each day in this extraordinary natural paradise.

Exploring the Galapagos Islands in December offers a captivating journey of discovery, where visitors can witness the unique wildlife, immerse themselves in stunning landscapes, and contribute to the ongoing conservation efforts of this extraordinary archipelago.


As December offers a magical time to travel, the seven destinations showcased - The Maldives, Venice in Italy, The Great Barrier Reef in Australia, Glacier National Park in Montana, The Amazon Rainforest in South America, The Alps in Europe, and The Galapagos Islands in Ecuador - present incredible opportunities for unforgettable experiences.

Each destination boasts its unique charm and natural beauty, from pristine beaches and underwater wonders to stunning rainforests and majestic mountain ranges. However, preserving these remarkable places is crucial, as they face various challenges, such as climate change, environmental degradation, and over-tourism.

By appreciating and responsibly exploring these destinations, we can contribute to their conservation, ensuring that future generations can continue to enjoy their magnificence. So, pack your bags, embark on a journey, and create memories in these enchanting places before they're gone.