International Day of Happiness: How to Celebrate and the Happiest Countries

International Day of Happiness is a global celebration of happiness and well-being held every March 20th. Today, people worldwide are encouraged to prioritize happiness and well-being in their lives and the lives of others.

This article will explore the significance and history of the International Day of Happiness and why celebrating it is essential. Additionally, we will provide tips and strategies to help you cultivate happiness and well-being in your own life.


So, if you want to learn more about the power of happiness and how to increase it in your life, read on!

History of International Day of Happiness

International Day of Happiness, also known as Happiness Day, is celebrated annually on March 20th. This day was first celebrated in 2013 after the United Nations General Assembly declared it a day to recognize the importance of happiness and well-being for people worldwide.

The Kingdom of Bhutan initiated the resolution for the day. This country has long recognized the importance of measuring a nation's success by the happiness and well-being of its citizens rather than just its economic growth.


Since then, the International Day of Happiness has gained popularity and recognition worldwide. The day aims to promote happiness as a universal goal and highlight its importance in the lives of people, communities, and nations.

It encourages individuals, organizations, and governments to prioritize the well-being of their citizens and take actions that contribute to sustainable development, including social, economic, and environmental factors.

Various activities are organized globally on the International Day of Happiness to celebrate the day. These activities include happiness-themed events, mindfulness and meditation sessions, gratitude exercises, volunteering, and acts of kindness.


Many organizations, schools, and communities also hold awareness-raising campaigns and social media activities to promote happiness and encourage people to focus on their well-being.

In conclusion, the International Day of Happiness is an important day that highlights the importance of happiness and well-being in our lives. It is an opportunity to recognize the significance of joy, prioritize it in our lives, and promote it as a global goal.

By celebrating International Day of Happiness, we can spread positivity and happiness to those around us and create a better world.

Background of the UN Resolution

The United Nations resolution for the International Day of Happiness was first introduced in 2011 by the Kingdom of Bhutan, a country renowned for its commitment to measuring Gross National Happiness (GNH) rather than just Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

The resolution, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2012, recognizes "the pursuit of happiness as a fundamental human goal" and acknowledges that "the gross domestic product does not adequately reflect the happiness and well-being of people."

The resolution emphasizes the importance of promoting policies and programs that support the well-being of individuals, families, and communities and the need to address poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation.

It also highlights the importance of measuring happiness and well-being as part of the development agenda. It encourages member states to integrate happiness and well-being indicators into their policies and programs.

The UN resolution for the International Day of Happiness represents a significant milestone in recognizing happiness and well-being as essential components of sustainable development.

It reflects a shift away from traditional economic measures and recognizes the importance of holistic approaches to development that prioritize the well-being of people and the planet.

In conclusion, the UN resolution for the International Day of Happiness is a testament to the growing recognition of the importance of happiness and well-being in our lives and the need to prioritize them in our policies and programs.

By adopting a holistic approach to development that considers the happiness and well-being of individuals, families, and communities, we can create a more just, equitable, and sustainable world for all.

How the Day is Celebrated Around the World

International Day of Happiness is celebrated in various ways around the world. Here are some of the everyday activities that take place on this day:

Mindfulness and Meditation Sessions

Mindfulness and meditation are powerful tools for cultivating inner peace and happiness. On the International Day of Happiness, many organizations and communities organize sessions to teach people how to practice mindfulness and meditation, which can help reduce stress, improve focus, and promote overall well-being.

Gratitude Exercises

Gratitude is a crucial element of happiness, and International Day of Happiness is an excellent opportunity to practice gratitude exercises. Some activities may include writing thank-you notes or expressing appreciation to loved ones. These exercises can help people cultivate a positive outlook on life and increase feelings of well-being.


Giving back to the community is a great way to boost happiness and promote social connections. On International Day of Happiness, many organizations and communities organize volunteering opportunities that allow people to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

Volunteering benefits the community and helps people feel a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Acts of Kindness

Random acts of kindness can significantly impact someone's day, and International Day of Happiness is an excellent opportunity to perform such actions. People are encouraged to perform small gestures of kindness, such as buying coffee for a stranger or helping someone in need.

These acts can help spread positivity and create a ripple effect of kindness.

Happiness-Themed Events

Happiness-themed events are a great way to celebrate the International Day of Happiness. These events can include concerts, festivals, workshops, and other activities that promote happiness and well-being. Participating in these events allows people to connect with others, learn new skills, and have fun while celebrating the day.

Social Media Campaigns

Social media is a powerful tool to spread happiness and positivity. Many organizations and communities launch social media campaigns on the International Day of Happiness to promote happiness and encourage people to share their happy stories.

These campaigns help create a sense of community and encourage people to focus on the positive aspects of life.

The Theme of International Day of Happiness

The annual themes of the International Day of Happiness remind us of the diverse and complex factors that contribute to overall happiness and well-being. Each year, the chosen theme highlights a specific area where individuals and communities can focus on promoting happiness and addressing challenges that hinder well-being.

For instance, the theme of the International Day of Happiness in 2020 was "Happiness for All, Together." This theme emphasized the importance of social connections and inclusivity in promoting happiness and well-being. It called for people to come together to support one another, particularly during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The International Day of Happiness themes provide a framework for individuals and communities to take meaningful action toward improving their well-being. It encourages people to engage in positive activities that promote happiness, such as volunteering, spending time with loved ones, and practicing self-care.

By highlighting different aspects of well-being each year, the event helps to raise awareness and create momentum for positive change.

The Significance of Happiness

The International Day of Happiness is committed to promoting happiness and well-being worldwide. Joy is a critical component of fulfilling life, and its significance cannot be overstated.

Research has shown that happiness improves our mental and physical health and positively impacts our relationships, work, and overall quality of life.

By understanding the significance of happiness and its impact on our lives, we can prioritize our well-being and take actions that promote happiness.

Why is Happiness Important?

Happiness is an essential component of a fulfilling life. It is not just a fleeting emotion but a state of being that can significantly impact our physical and mental health, relationships, and overall well-being. Research has shown that happy people are more resilient, live longer, and are more successful in their careers and personal lives.

Happiness also has a positive impact on our relationships. When we are happy, we are more likely to form and maintain meaningful connections with others. We are also more empathetic, compassionate, and better equipped to handle relationship conflicts.

Furthermore, happiness is essential for our mental and physical health. Studies have shown that happy people are less likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Happiness also boosts our immune system, reduces stress, and improves physical health.

Investing in our happiness is crucial because it affects every aspect of our lives. When we prioritize our happiness, we are more likely to pursue our passions, achieve our goals, and live a more fulfilling life.

In conclusion, happiness is essential because it affects our mental and physical health, relationships, and overall well-being. By prioritizing our joy, we can lead more fulfilling lives and positively contribute to the world.

The Science Behind Happiness

The science behind happiness is a fascinating and rapidly growing field of study. Researchers have found that happiness is not just a subjective feeling but a measurable state of being that can be studied and improved.

The science of happiness explores the factors contributing to happiness, the benefits of joy, and how we can increase our happiness levels.

One critical factor contributing to happiness is our mindset. Our mindset can significantly impact our happiness levels, affecting how we perceive and interpret the world. For example, having a positive outlook on life can increase our happiness levels, while negative thinking can lead to feelings of anxiety, stress, and depression.

Another factor that contributes to happiness is our social connections. Social relationships with family, friends, and community can significantly impact our happiness. Research has shown that people with strong social connections are happier, more resilient, and live longer than socially isolated people.

Additionally, engaging in activities that bring us joy and a sense of purpose can contribute to happiness. Pursuing our passions, volunteering, and engaging in hobbies we enjoy can increase our happiness levels and improve our overall well-being.

In conclusion, the science behind happiness demonstrates that happiness is not just a fleeting emotion but a measurable state of being that can be improved. By understanding the factors that contribute to happiness, we can take actions that promote our well-being and cultivate a more fulfilling life.

Factors Affecting Happiness: Understanding What Contributes to Well-Being

Happiness is a complex and multifaceted concept that various factors can influence. Here are some factors that can affect happiness:

  1. Income and wealth: while money cannot buy happiness, studies have shown that a certain level of income and wealth can contribute to greater feelings of well-being. Financial stability can provide security and freedom, positively impacting happiness levels.
  2. Social support networks: strong social support networks, including family and friends, can contribute to greater happiness and well-being. These relationships provide emotional support, companionship, and a sense of belonging. Maintaining these connections requires effort and investment, but the rewards can be significant.
  3. Health and well-being: physical health and well-being can greatly influence happiness levels, as can mental health and access to healthcare. Taking care of one's body and mind through exercise, healthy eating, and seeking medical care when needed can improve overall well-being and contribute to happiness.
  4. Relationships and social connections: it can contribute to greater feelings of happiness and well-being. These connections can provide a sense of purpose and meaning and contribute to belonging and identity. Building and maintaining these connections requires effort and investment, but the benefits can be significant.
  5. Personal growth and development: Engaging in activities that promote personal growth and development, such as learning new skills or pursuing hobbies, can contribute to greater happiness and well-being. These activities can provide a sense of accomplishment, build self-esteem, and create a sense of purpose and meaning.
  6. Personal values and beliefs: aligning personal values and beliefs with one's actions and lifestyle can contribute to greater feelings of happiness and fulfillment. Living according to one's beliefs and values can provide a sense of authenticity and meaning and contribute to a sense of purpose and direction.
  7. Environmental factors like climate and access to natural spaces can impact happiness levels. Exposure to natural environments has been linked to improved mental health and greater well-being. Access to green spaces can provide relaxation and escape from stressors.
  8. Political stability and security: living in a politically stable and secure environment can contribute to greater happiness and well-being. Political instability, conflict, and insecurity can contribute to stress, anxiety, and uncertainty, negatively impacting well-being.
  9. Education and learning: access to education and opportunities for learning can contribute to greater feelings of happiness and fulfillment. Education can provide a sense of accomplishment and contribute to personal growth and development.
  10. A sense of purpose and meaning: Having a sense of purpose and meaning in life can contribute to greater happiness and well-being. It can provide motivation, direction, and a sense of accomplishment.

How to Celebrate International Day of Happiness

World Happiness Day, or International Day of Happiness, is a global initiative to promote happiness and well-being worldwide. Celebrated annually on March 20th, the day encourages people to take actions that increase happiness and spread positivity to those around them.

This section will provide tips for increasing happiness and activities to celebrate the International Day of Happiness. By implementing these tips and participating in these activities, readers can prioritize their well-being and cultivate happiness, contributing to a happier, more positive world.

Tips for Increasing Happiness

Happiness is a multifaceted concept that many factors, such as genetics, life circumstances, and intentional actions, can influence. While some aspects of happiness are beyond our control, there are practical steps that individuals can take to increase their happiness levels and improve their well-being.

Here are ten additional tips for increasing happiness:

  1. Sleeping is crucial for happiness as it allows the body and mind to rest and rejuvenate. Sleep deprivation can cause adverse effects such as stress and irritability. Practicing good sleep habits and prioritizing restful sleep can improve physical and mental health.
  2. Self-care is an essential aspect of happiness. Engaging in activities that promote self-care, such as exercise, meditation, or hobbies you enjoy, can help reduce stress levels and increase feelings of relaxation and contentment.
  3. Focusing on your strengths is an effective way to increase happiness levels. Recognizing and utilizing your unique abilities daily can boost self-confidence and increase feelings of accomplishment.
  4. Engaging in acts of kindness can positively impact both others and ourselves. Kind deeds can promote empathy, gratitude, and satisfaction, increasing happiness.
  5. Forgiveness is a powerful tool that can help increase happiness levels. Letting go of grudges and resentment can lead to emotional freedom and inner peace.
  6. Setting achievable goals that align with personal values can increase happiness levels. Goals that challenge and motivate us can lead to accomplishment and satisfaction.
  7. Spending time in nature can be a simple but effective way to promote happiness. The beauty and tranquility of nature can have a calming and soothing effect, reducing stress levels and increasing feelings of well-being.
  8. Positive self-talk can boost happiness levels by promoting feelings of self-worth and self-efficacy. Replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations can lead to a more optimistic outlook.
  9. Cultivating optimism involves focusing on the positive aspects of situations and events, even in difficult times. Reframing negative thoughts into more positive ones can increase happiness and well-being.
  10. Finding meaning and purpose in life is crucial for happiness. Engaging in activities that provide a sense of meaning and purpose, such as volunteering or pursuing a passion, can lead to increased happiness levels and overall life satisfaction.

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Activities to Celebrate the Day

International Day of Happiness is an excellent opportunity to spread positivity and celebrate the joy of life. There are various activities that individuals can participate in to celebrate the day and promote happiness. Here are some activities to celebrate the International Day of Happiness:

  1. Gratitude journaling: take some time to reflect on the things you are grateful for and write them down in a journal. It can promote feelings of gratitude and increase happiness levels.
  2. Random acts of kindness: spread happiness by performing random actions, such as paying for someone's coffee or leaving a kind note for a friend.
  3. Share positive messages: spread positivity by sharing inspirational and motivational messages on social media or through personal messages to friends and family.
  4. Connect with nature: Spending time in nature can promote relaxation and well-being. Go for a walk in a park, take a hike or garden.
  5. Mindfulness meditation: practice mindfulness meditation, which involves being present at the moment and non-judgmentally observing thoughts and emotions. It can promote feelings of relaxation and reduce stress levels.
  6. Have a happiness-themed party: celebrate the day by organizing a happiness-themed party with friends and family, complete with games, music, and decorations.
  7. Volunteering is a great way to spread happiness and contribute to a more significant cause. Consider volunteering at a local shelter, food bank, or community organization.
  8. Exercise: engaging in physical activity can promote well-being and increase happiness levels. Go for a run, take a yoga class, or participate in a group fitness class.
  9. Spend quality time with loved ones: strengthen social connections by spending quality time with loved ones. It can include going out for dinner, watching a movie, or conversing.
  10. Learning something new: learning a new skill or hobby can promote feelings of accomplishment and increase happiness. Consider taking a class or trying a recent activity.

By participating in these activities and celebrating the International Day of Happiness, individuals can promote positivity, increase happiness levels, and contribute to a happier, more positive world.

The Happiest Countries in the World

The pursuit of happiness is a common goal shared by people worldwide. However, some countries have mastered the art of pleasure more than others. Each year, various organizations release rankings of the happiest countries in the world based on factors such as income, social support, and life expectancy.

Understanding what makes these countries happy can provide valuable insights and lessons we can apply. Let's explore the happiest countries in the world, what makes them happy, and what we can learn from them.

Ranking of the Happiest Countries

While happiness is subjective and can vary significantly from person to person, various organizations and reports have attempted to rank the happiest countries in the world. These rankings are based on multiple factors, such as income, social support, and life expectancy.

Here are the top ten happiest countries in the world:

  1. Finland consistently ranks as the happiest country in the world due to its strong social support networks, high GDP per capita, and emphasis on work-life balance. The government also places a strong focus on environmental sustainability, which can contribute to greater feelings of well-being.
  2. Denmark: it has a high standard of living and is known for its robust welfare system, which provides support for education, healthcare, and other essential services. The country also places a high value on community and social connections, which can contribute to greater happiness levels.
  3. Switzerland ranks highly in happiness reports due to its strong economy, high standard of living, and emphasis on personal freedom and political stability. The country also has high social trust, which can contribute to greater feelings of security and well-being.
  4. Iceland ranks highly in happiness reports due to its vital social welfare programs, low-income inequality, and emphasis on environmental sustainability. The country also places a high value on community and social connections, which can contribute to greater happiness levels.
  5. Netherlands: it is known for its high quality of life, strong social support networks, and emphasis on personal freedoms and well-being. The country also places a strong focus on environmental sustainability, which can contribute to greater feelings of well-being.
  6. Norway ranks highly in happiness reports due to its vital social welfare programs, high GDP per capita, and emphasis on work-life balance. The country also strongly emphasizes environmental sustainability, which can contribute to greater happiness levels.
  7. Sweden ranks highly in happiness reports due to its vital social welfare programs, high standard of living, and emphasis on personal freedoms and well-being. The country also places a strong focus on environmental sustainability, which can contribute to greater feelings of well-being.
  8. Luxembourg has a high standard of living and robust social welfare programs, which contribute to its high ranking in happiness reports. The country also strongly emphasizes environmental sustainability, which can contribute to greater happiness levels.
  9. New Zealand is known for its natural beauty and emphasis on environmental sustainability, which can contribute to greater well-being. The country also has vital social welfare programs and highly values community and social connections.
  10. Austria ranks highly in happiness reports due to its strong economy, high standard of living, and emphasis on personal freedoms and well-being. The country also places a strong focus on environmental sustainability, which can contribute to greater feelings of well-being.

Lessons We Can Learn From the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World

The top 10 happiest countries in the world can offer valuable insights and lessons that we can apply in our own lives to increase our happiness levels. Here are some lessons we can learn from these countries:

  1. Invest in social support networks. Strong social support networks can contribute to greater feelings of well-being and happiness. Prioritize building and maintaining relationships with family, friends, and the community.
  2. Prioritize work-life balance: countries that emphasize work-life balance consistently rank high in happiness reports. Prioritize taking breaks and making time for hobbies and relaxation.
  3. Emphasize environmental sustainability: environmental sustainability is essential for personal and global well-being. Make efforts to reduce waste, recycle, and use environmentally friendly products.
  4. Prioritize personal freedoms: Countries prioritizing private spaces consistently rank high in happiness reports. Prioritize advocating for your rights and freedoms and those of others.
  5. Invest in education and healthcare: access to education and healthcare can significantly contribute to happiness. Prioritize investing in your education and advocating for accessible healthcare for all.
  6. Value community and social connections: countries that strongly emphasize community and social connections consistently rank high in happiness reports. Prioritize building connections with those around you and contributing to your community.
  7. Emphasize income equality: Countries with low-income inequality consistently rank high in happiness reports. Prioritize advocating for policies that promote income equality and reduce wealth disparities.
  8. Prioritize mental health: Countries prioritizing mental health support consistently rank high in happiness reports. Prioritize seeking help and advocating for accessible mental health services.
  9. Strive for political stability: countries with strong political stability consistently rank high in happiness reports. Prioritize advocating for policies promoting political stability and supporting peaceful resolution of conflicts.
  10. Emphasize personal growth and development. These can contribute to feelings of accomplishment and well-being. Prioritize investing in your personal growth and advocating for accessible opportunities for all.


Happiness should be a priority for everyone. There are several ways to increase happiness levels and promote overall well-being, whether through personal actions or societal changes. As we celebrate International Day of Happiness, it's crucial to reflect on its importance and positive impact on individuals and communities.

So, let us take this opportunity to celebrate happiness by engaging in activities that bring us joy and connection and by spreading kindness and compassion to those around us. Let us also look to the world's happiest countries and learn from their practices and values to promote happiness in our own lives.

Remember, happiness is not just a fleeting emotion but a long-term state of being that can be achieved through intentional actions and mindsets. May this International Day of Happiness inspire us to prioritize our well-being and spread happiness wherever we go.