How to spend the day of happiness?and which are the happiest countries?

Did you know that there is a happy day? It is celebrated on March 20 from 2012. The aim was to recognize that happiness and well-being are relevant aspirations for all human beings and that all governments should include them in their policies. The United Nations has demonstrated that economic growth must be comprehensive, balanced, and equitable so that the greatest number of people can benefit from it. The ultimate goal of declaring March 20 a day of happiness is to eradicate poverty from all over the planet.

Bhutan, pioneer of the day of happiness

Already in 1970, Bhutan recognized the value of happiness. Specifically, he said that gross national happiness is more important than the gross national product. As it could not be otherwise, Bhutan hosted a high-level meeting on Wellbeing and Happiness whose objective was to define a new economic model.


In Bhutan, people are not proud to be happy, but they insist a lot that happiness is not a state, but a process that must be continuously worked on.

The happiest countries in 2019. What are the customs that guarantee their well-being?

Denmark, Norway, Iceland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, New Zealand, Canada, and Austria are the countries topping the list of the happiest countries in the world in 2019.

In all these countries, the economic level is high and the estimated political corruption is low. They are also important destinations for travelers seeking happiness.


Happiness day in Denmark: look around

Danish author Meik Wiking, who wrote "Lykke's Book, Happy People's Around the World," says happiness is based on two fundamental pillars: getting the most out of little things and surrounding yourself with happy people. Happiness is contagious.

Now that you know it, travel to Denmark, one of the happiest countries, surrounded by happy people. This will give you more of Copenhagen, one of the most beautiful and mysterious capitals in Northern Europe.

Neighbors Day in the Netherlands

The Dutch are tireless travelers and hard workers. So much so that they snatched part of their country from the almighty sea. This kind of victory makes you a happy person, but there are smaller traditions that also contribute to happiness. Neighbors Day is celebrated in the Netherlands, a custom that you can practice at home on Happy Day. This March 20, offers a tea party in the park with your neighbors, go out into town, and share. It seems to be the secret of the Dutch. Or go to the Netherlands on May 26 and experience it live.


The Swedish recipe for happiness: Lagom

The concept of Lagom in Sweden is strongly linked to the idea of ​​balance. According to the Swedes, the excess is not appropriate, and neither is a shortage. For them, euphoria is not happiness, because happiness must be peaceful. Happy people don't brag about being happy either, because they contain themselves. Thus, by managing emotions and actions in a balanced way, they manage to acquire lasting happiness. In other words, a great way to spend Happy Day this March 20 would be to listen to your body and try to meet your needs without going overboard. You need to realize what you need physically, emotionally, and intellectually to achieve well-being and happiness. Perhaps that is why Stockholm is such a bustling city, but it is also a place worth visiting so as not to fall into absolute calm or maximum bustle.

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Spend the Russian day of happiness

Russia is not on the list of happiest countries in the world. Perhaps because of its convoluted history or its extreme climate. But Russians know a lot about happiness. Unlike Lagom, Azart is associated with risk, fervor, and extreme emotions which also bring happiness. Indeed, the term describes the unique emotion that you feel when you are in a truly amazing time; a bit as if we were as happy as a fish in the water.

In a country of extremism, like Russia, happiness cannot be average. The maxim of the country is to cling tooth and nail to moments of happiness, even the most intense. And cherish them to come back to them in the less easy times.

How are you going to spend your happy day? Do you prefer to purify your mind in Bhutan, share the joy of your neighbors like in the Netherlands, or do a balancing act like in Sweden? Maybe your body is telling you to travel. In that case, count on Exoticca.