Women travelers a round the world

For having lived a good handful of centuries forced to stay in our homes, subject to the mandates of companies in which we had no more rights than those granted to us by our fathers or our husbands, the truth is that there are many female travelers who have left their mark. Pioneering women who traveled the world against the expectations of many and sometimes against the laws of the time. But that's not what we're going to talk about today. Today we are going to celebrate the fact that women can not only travel freely but also break records when they do.

Yili Liu: the first woman to travel the world alone

One of the details we haven't mentioned in this article is that all of these female travelers achieved their feats on their own. Yili Liu, professor of industrial engineering in Michigan, was the first to travel the whole world unaccompanied and succeeded in 2011. Since then, other women have followed in her footsteps and made it much faster, but The title of true pioneer goes to Liu, who took a little over three years to make her journey. It was she who paved the way for others.


Cassie from Pecol

One year and 193 days is the time it took Cassie de Pecol to visit every country in the world, making 127 nations in total in which she spent between two days and two weeks. She was the first woman to break the time record and entered in the Guinness Book of Records in February 2017.

De Pecol emphasizes, on his journey, the hospitality of people who, in his own words, have always been more kind than aggressive and more willing to help than to put up obstacles. Some of her favorite countries are Mongolia, Bhutan, and Maldives. At Exoticca, we can only agree with her and recognize the beauty of these three destinations.

Taylor Demonbreun was a little faster a year later

Canadian Taylor Demonbreun appears as an individual on this list of female travelers. Just one year after Cassie de Pecol, Demonbreun achieved the same feat in one year and 189 days. Four days less than its predecessor.


Traveling is always a rewarding experience, but for Demonbreun, there have also been difficult times, such as when it seemed impossible for him to obtain particularly complicated visas or when his father and mother had surgery. But if there's one thing that sets pioneers apart, it's their strength of soul. Thanks to her, Demonbreun was victorious.

As an anecdote, this traveler spent approximately $ 70,000 during the 559 days of the trip. This works out to just over $ 125 per day.

Also read: Top 7 Best Travel Gear for Women: Pack Smart & Stylish


Lexie Alford: one of the youngest female travelers on the list

On October 4, 2019, the youngest of our travelers set foot in Mozambique and became the youngest person to have visited any country in the world.

A small note: the number of countries to visit varies each year and the organization of the Guinness World Records changes the basis of the challenge. The reason? The number of countries that exist is not fixed. In addition, there are sovereign nations that are not considered countries but must be visited to meet the challenge. In 2019, the number of countries to visit was 195.

The organization examined 10,000 physical evidence of Alford's passage through those 194 states.

The first black woman to tour the world: Jessica Nabongo

To travel is to go beyond ethnicity and prejudice, and this is what Jessica Nabongo, the first black woman to visit every country in the world, demonstrated. Her case is more than special since Jessica has no social networks and has not made the trip to be in the Guinness Book. She started traveling from childhood and quite simply visited every country in the world. Not for the glory, but for the pleasure of traveling. Although evidence of his trip exists, his feat has yet to be officially recognized.

Melissa Roy, the first Asian woman to visit any country in the world

Roy also failed to achieve this feat of pioneering women to be part of a celebrity roster. In his own words, his motivation is the pleasure of traveling. And this hobby led her to visit all the sovereign nations of the world. Her trip ended at the end of 2019, in Bangladesh, her grandfather's place of origin.

In her own words, she finds it incomprehensible that there are people who do not leave their village or town for their entire life. She is a curious woman who wants to know everything about the world.